Your school: LSE Wrocław, Wrocław

Language course agreement

Language course agreement

hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement” between:

1. London School of English Wrocławspółka z ograniczonąodpowiedzialnością with its registered seat in Wrocław, ul. Stalowa80, registered in the business register of the National Court Register under KRS number 0000967694, whose registration files are kept by the District Court for Wrocław-Fabryczna, 6th Commercial Division of the National Court Register, NIP 8943185649, with share capital of PLN 50,000.00, hereinafter referred to as “London School” represented by the President of the management board – YevheniiaKatunina


2. ________________________ , PESEL number:________________________ residing at________________________, hereinafter referred to as the “Customer”,    

jointly referred to as the “Parties”,

Subject of the Agreement 

  1. London School undertakes to provide paid services in the form of an English language course conducted in groups (hereinafter referred  to as ”the "Course") for the following person designated as the course  participant ____________________ (hereinafter referred to as the "Student"), and the Customer is obliged to pay for this Course.
  2.  The Course will be delivered as __ lessons, each lasting __ minutes, between __ and __, to be performed according to the schedule, totaling__ hours.
  3. The Course will take place online (remotely).
  4. The Course will take place in language groups adapted to the level of English proficiency of the students.


  1. Customer declares that by concluding this Agreement he/she accepts London School’s Terms and Conditions of language courses and Price list.
  2. London School’s Terms and Conditions of language courses and Price list are available on the website


London School’s remuneration for the Course will be based on the price List, after allocation of the Student to the relevant English language proficiency group.


  1. Any maters not provided for in this Agreement will be governed by London School’s Terms and Conditions of language courses and Price listas well as generally applicable legal regulations, including but not limited to the provisions of the Civil Code.
  2. This Agreement has been drawn up in two language versions, in the event of any discrepancy the provisions of the Polish language version of the Agreement shall prevail.
  3. Appendices form an integral part of this Agreement.
  4.  Invalidity of certain provisions of this Agreement shall not invalidate the entire Agreement. If some or all of the provisions of the Agreement are found to be invalid, the Parties undertake to enter into negotiations without delay and to agree on the wording of new provisions of the Agreement.
W imieniu London School:  
Zamawiający/ Customer

Załączniki/ Appendix:

Załącznik nr 1 – Harmonogram zajęć w ramachKursu / Appendix 1 - Schedule of lessons in the Course

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